Cookster’s Adventures

Cookster and I have had quite the adventure this week. We were heading out for one of our usual hacks when we met the new owner of one of our neighbouring fields. We stopped for a chat and were invited to have a ride round the field while he collected logs. Of course, we jumped at the chance.

For one reason or another it has been a while since Cookster has been ridden in such an open space and he was somewhat excited – he held it together to walk down the hill but when I asked him to canter at the bottom he took off into a full gallop. All I had to do was sit there and steer – I was quite grateful the field was so big and I didn’t have to worry about any sharp corners at full speed.

Cookster is not normally a very forward going pony but he had plenty of energy for once and we had a lovely time stretching his legs. I was slightly worried about brakes to start with but he always slowed down when I asked and kept nice and steady when it was needed. It ended up being one of the nicest rides we’ve had and he definitely enjoyed himself too – even if he was rather puffed afterwards!

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